Welcome to the Galleries. These are samples of paintings and works that are already bringing Joy to others. I put them here just to give you a sense of what I do. If you want to buy something now, go to Art for Sale. If you want something of your own design go to Custom Art.
Just For Fun
Custom Portraits
When you need a sign by the road that is sure to draw attention, a little splash of color catches their eye and makes them smile.
This is a photo opp for the Zombie Prom. Note: there is always room for the dog!
Yes! I painted this truck. Check out the puppies looking out their peepholes. I just love that.
If you have the furniture, I can turn it into something you’ll want to keep forever.
I haven’t done much metal art lately. I lost my good cutters who could cut the metal just the way I liked it. I keep hoping someone with the right skill set will show up just when I need them.
Rather than keep measuring your children’s growth in a door jamb that you have to rip out of the house when you move, track their progress on this colorful 2″x4″x78″ Growth Stick with the feet and inches already marked.